Hey Doctor Pimp and the rest of you academics!
I have no idea what I'm supposed to be writing on here, but I'm here. Let the games begin!
(Here's a picture of what I look like when just about to teach my young padawans the meaning of life.)
El faro que iluminará al mundo...
Publicado por
Professor Vicster
a las
8:33 p. m.
5 comentarios:
hola Vicky!! welcome to Faro de Alejandría!!!! I'm happy lo read u.I hope Alberto translate for u the most part of the writings and to enjoy with yours (videos, drawings, scripts..). kisses!!
Hola! Se parece un poco a la primera foto que Alberto nos mando de ti...
¡¡Ja, ja, ja!! Gon's right, you need more colours in your pic!!
I would like you to write about the best films in the history according to your sight. One log, one movie. Fancy??
Ah, there's plenty of colour already! (Although this photo is a few years old. It was a phase!)
If "Gon" needs a photo with more colour, I'll find one... don't worry...
Write about the BEST films? That's quite a responsibility. Argh. Okay, I'll try it.
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